Monday, June 29, 2015

Moving all books to Amazon for KU trial period

Hello! Long time, no write.

I've pulled A White So Red from all vendors for a three-month-long trial run in Kindle Unlimited on Amazon. This means the book will only be available on Amazon from July 1st-October 1st. (I may pull out, with advanced warning for anyone in KU, and go wide again with distribution. We shall see what happens.)

BTW, the quickest way to reach me is my email address - You can also use the contact form on this site.

I'll be creating a New Release Reminder listing for when I finish new books, and adding it to the top menu as well as the sidebar. If you want a "heads-up" and nothing more for when new books come out, then please consider signing up. The only time you'll hear from me is when I let you know I've published something new. =) It'll be rather infrequently, maybe once or twice a year at most. Any announcements will be kept on the main page of this website.

Thank you always for your support, and happy reading!

K. D. Jones

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Waking Snow White: a Snow White compilation

Guess what? A White So Red is going to be a part of a Snow White compilation! Preorders are available at Smashwords now, and the book releases September 14th. Preorder links for other retailers should be available soon. The compilation is only 0.99, and you get 6 full-length novels with it!

What if the wicked queen was once Snow White's best friend? What if Prince Charming rode a motorcycle instead of a white horse? What if Snow White was a warrior princess fighting for her country instead of a damsel in distress? In WAKING SNOW WHITE, seven independent authors offer their own take on one of the most beloved and iconic fairy tales of all time. Step outside of a kingdom far, far away and into fantasy worlds and magical contemporary settings in these six unforgettable YA stories.

With aspirations of being an animator, sixteen-year-old Nivi Nash thought she knew all about fairy tales. But caught in a real one, she learns the hero isn’t always charming, the story far from pretty, and that failing to achieve "happily ever after" might just get her killed.

POISONED by Katherine Pine
Poisonous mists settled in the lowlands 17 years ago, rendering ninety percent of the land uninhabitable and killing over half the population. Snow White has dedicated her life to finding a cure. When her quest leads her to her late father's secret lab, she discovers something so powerful that kings would destroy entire kingdoms to possess it.

A WHITE SO RED by K. D. Jones
Seventeen-year-old Snow’s life changed forever the night her stepmother, the Queen, sent her huntsman to cut out her heart. With no one at her side but a rowdy band of carnivorous dwarves and an arrogant, rogue prince who’s too handsome for his own good, Snow must take back her kingdom.

SNOW WHITE by Cindy C. Bennett
When Snow White foils her wicked stepmother's plot to kill her she finds herself in Fableton, an enchanted village her stepmother created to entrap the prince who spurned her. Phillip immediately recognizes Snow White as the one girl who could break his curse, but is he willing to risk her life to gain his freedom?

In Snow White’s Knight, dark adventures await Prince Reiden when he attempts to rescue the innocent princess from a fateful spell. In Shakespearesque tragedy Magic Mirror, a vengeful wizard, an obsessed warlord, and a callous ruler are connected by a fatal prophecy from the enchanted mirror.

NOT SO SNOW WHITE by K. Sean Jennkrist
Winter Snow always knew she was different and as she nears her eighteenth birthday Winter discovers just how much.

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Officially on hiatus

All right, guys.

I'm officially putting this pen name on hiatus.

I won't say I'll never publish any epic fantasy titles ever again, because I quite enjoy them. However, I can say I don't know when I'll get around to writing more books under this pen name.

Veiled Innocence has also been retired from print, but A White So Red is going to remain in circulation because I know people are searching for it. Plus, it's a standalone.

I also have an urban fantasy/dystopian trilogy under my other pen name, Krystle Jones. So if you're into that sort of genre, please check me out at

Happy reading, and thank you for your support and understanding.


Monday, June 3, 2013

Hiatus and pulling 'Veiled Innocence'

Hi, everyone!

Long time, no write. I'm sorry I've neglected this pen name, which is precisely why I've come to this decision:

I'm putting K.D. Jones on a temporary hiatus.

How long is temporary? Temporary could be a few months, it could be a year, or it could be two years. I don't know. Right now, my other pen names are growing at a much faster rate, and I feel I would be shooting myself in the foot if I didn't try to fuel the flames.

So, as much as I love epic fantasy, I will not be writing anymore stories under this pen name for a while. Yes, that means Maid of Iron and Darkest Destiny are on the back burner. I'll return to them someday, but I don't know when.

Which brings up another point:

I'm pulling Veiled Innocence from the market.

It's going to disappear one week from today - June 10th - so if you're wanting to read it, you can snag it for free from Amazon, Smashwords, and I think maybe B&N. (If they've price-matched the other sites, that is.) After that, it's not going to be available for a long time, if ever again.

I'm not pulling it because I think it's bad, though some people would probably like to argue that statement. It's more like I don't want to give readers the first book in a series, then make them wait who-knows-how-long for the next book. It's not fair. And I'm not even sure I'm going to continue the series.

It all remains to be seen in the foggy future of this pen name.

I do want to eventually return to epic fantasy because I really enjoy the genre. But that time is going to be a ways away because of my schedule and the time allotted to me for writing.

I'm sorry to any readers who were looking forward to these books. I'll leave Snow White up since it's a stand alone, and it's one of my most searched-for books (for Krystle Jones or K.D.).

But Cinderella, Lianora, Vishka, Rowan, and my whole clan are going back on my proverbial story shelves until I have time to attend to their stories.

I'm sorry for any frustration this may cause, and thank you so much for seeking out my stories and encouraging me to write.

All the best,


Sunday, April 7, 2013

Cover Reveal: 'Maid of Iron'

And here's the working cover for Maid of Iron!

Before his assassination, Ella’s father spent his entire life trying to right the wrongs of the war-devastated city of Elborn. When the system fails to deliver justice for his death, Ella decides to take up his mantle. Servant girl to her cruel stepmother by day and hooded vigilante at night known as “the Wraith,” Ella vows to finish what her father began. Her first target? The source of the city’s corruption - Van, the young and handsome newly-crowned king.

But the night Ella seeks her revenge, she finds Van is not the monster she thought him to be. If anything, he has been fighting just as hard as she. But there are more players in the game than either of them realize, and Ella isn’t the only one plotting treason. A secret society known as the Nine are closing in, devising a future darker than anything Ella or Van can imagine. When Van asks the Wraith to protect him and help take down the Nine, Ella finds her heart torn between wanting to save the man she’s falling in love with or save the city her father failed to protect.

Add it to your Goodreads shelf.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Another fairy tale retelling in the works... and an update. Finally.

Eep! I'm so sorry I haven't posted on this site in four months! As my real life schedule becomes fuller, it becomes increasingly difficult to juggle multiple pen names.

By now it's pretty obvious which brand I'm pouring most of my efforts into, and it's not because I have anything against epic fantasy. I still love it. It's a matter of time, and what's selling ATM. 'Krystle Jones', which I publish my urban fantasy and paranormal romance titles under, is growing at a much faster rate than 'K. D. Jones', and I'm okay with that right now. I have to be, because it doesn't look like my schedule's going to clear up anytime soon. (Unless I win the lottery, LOL. Or Publisher's Clearing House. Yes, I will take a million dollars every year for the rest of my life, thank you.)

I was hoping to get out the second Soul Cycle, as well as another fairy tale, this year, but that's simply not going to happen because of said schedule. There aren't enough hours in the day for me to take care of everything I need to for my brands, take care of things around the apartment, work full time, go to school part time, and spend time with my fiance. I'm just not in a point in my life yet where I can devote more time to growing this brand, and for that I'm sorry. I wish I did have more time. I'm hoping if I get my bills paid down enough here within the next year I can drop to part-time, and that will open up my schedule. Plus, I'll be done will school, so that should also help. Keeping my fingers crossed. (And busting my toosh.)

So there's the "bad news" in regards to how many new books I can feasibly put out this year. Now for something I think you guys will enjoy.

As you know, I love retold fairy tales. I've had this idea in my head for a month or two now to do a vigilante Cinderella story, where there's suspense, romance, and a bit of magic involved. It'll be gritty and probably just as dark as AWSR, so if you liked that book, I think you'll like this one.

Here's a working synopsis:

 Before his assassination, Ella’s father spent his entire life trying to right the wrongs of the war-devastated city of Elborn. When the system fails to deliver justice for his death, Ella decides to take up his mantle. Servant girl to her cruel stepmother by day and hooded vigilante at night known as “the Wraith,” Ella vows to finish what her father began. Her first target? The source of the city’s corruption - Van, the young and handsome newly-crowned king.

But the night Ella seeks her revenge, she finds Van is not the monster she thought him to be. If anything, he has been fighting just as hard as she. But there are more players in the game than either of them realize, and Ella isn’t the only one plotting treason. A secret society known as the Nine are closing in, devising a future darker than anything Ella or Van can imagine. When Van asks the Wraith to protect him and help take down the Nine, Ella finds her heart torn between wanting to save the man she’s falling in love with or save the city her father failed to protect.
I'll post it to Goodreads soon as I have the cover finished. I'll try to post that within a day or two. The title will be Maid of Iron.
As always, questions, thoughts, and musings welcome. <3

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

When is 'Darkest Destiny' coming out?

Veiled Innocence was my very first book. Okay, so it wasn't my first book. I've had my fair share of fan fiction, journal-books, and stapled-together paper books. But it was the first ever book in which I created my own world, with its own rules, characters, and storyline. I wasn't borrowing from anything else. Which is probably why it took so long to get it right.

I went through four complete rewrites of this book, and scores of revisions after that before I arrived at what I felt the story "should" be. Is it perfect? No. None of my stories will ever be. If I kept striving for perfection, I'd never publish anything. Sometimes, you just have to know when "enough is enough," and let it go so you can move on to the next book. But at the same time, therein lies the danger of pumping stuff out too quickly, before your ideas have had time to reach creative fruition.

And that is precisely what's held me up in getting Darkest Destiny done.

I'm going to go ahead and flat-out say I don't have an exact publication date yet, though I am going to try really hard to finish The Soul Cycle next year. I'm shooting for a summer and winter release on the remaining two books of the trilogy, with the prequel following in 2014.

The main reason why this story has taken me so long to just get started on is its outline. I have a lot of open plot lines from VI, and I'm introducing one more viewpoint character because I felt it was absolutely necessary to the central storyline. In DD, you'll have not only Lian, Vishka, and Rowan, but Ana-Elise's viewpoint as well.

Some of you might be gagging right now. I know, I know. She's a "royal bitch," quite literally. But I think you'll like the direction her character is going to take, and I promise you won't be miserable being stuck inside her head for a few scenes.

My biggest dilemma came from trying to decide how to present the different subplots. Should I keep the scenes grouped together by viewpoint, or should I jumble them all up like I did in VI? Ultimately, I decided things would play out best if it was all jumbled together. My outline is almost completely finished, and I want to start seriously writing DD in January so I can get it out in June. We'll see how things go. If there's one thing I've learned since I began publishing, it's that things usually take twice as long as you think they will. Sometimes not, but most of the time, I've found that's the case.

So in a nutshell, that's where The Soul Cycle is at right now. I'll post more updates as I go, including info about some upcoming giveaways for VI. I should finally have a print edition of it soon, too. That makes me really excited, because its cover is by far my favorite. Don't get me wrong - I love all the beautiful covers Robin does for me. But VI's is just so dark and girly and pretty. I love it to pieces.

That's all for now. I'll be back soon with giveaway info, and a special holiday promo starting in December!

Much love to all of you who stop by here and support my work.
